Hybrid and remote teams need strong leadership skills in the workplace as much, if not more than the in-house teams do. 

After workers worldwide and in nearly every industry got to experience working from home, millions realized that a remote work structure provided the work-life balance they crave. As a result, many organizations adopted either a fully-remote or hybrid arrangement so that employees could take advantage of a flexible schedule.

Although allowing teams the option to work from home has many benefits for the individual and organization, it presents unfamiliar challenges to both parties. For example, it can be difficult for in-house and remote teams to communicate. Additionally, some managers worry that employees at home do not have as much accountability as those in the office.

It has become apparent that remote and hybrid structures are here to stay. Therefore, company leaders must adopt new skills for managing hybrid teams post-COVID to remain successful.

3 Fundamentals of Hybrid Leadership

Understanding the fundamentals of hybrid leadership will help leaders and managers build solid teams and drive their organizations to success.


Managers must prioritize building trust among teams and individual team members. Micromanaging those working from home often results in the opposite of what you intend – employees grow distant, frustrated, and hurt. Instead, give your teams space to devise solutions independently and trust them to reach out if they need assistance. 

Suppose issues arise, like missed deadlines or a decrease in quality, take a moment to have a genuine conversation with the person in question. What do they need to feel supported? How can you work toward a solution together? It might be as simple as giving them a few days off to rest so they can return with a refreshed mind.


Loneliness and isolation are two serious risks associated with remote work. Leadership in a hybrid work environment will involve paying close attention to the signs:

  • Frequently skips meetings
  • Missed deadlines
  • No personal connections within their work community
  • No interest in career development
  • Doesn’t speak up in meetings or offer new ideas

Leaders who notice these signs can work to bring lonely individuals back into the fold by having empathic conversations and offering support.


The traditional 9-to-5 workday was not designed with flexibility in mind. Switching to a hybrid structure can be a difficult adjustment for managers who are used to the same schedule for their entire careers. However, it’s time to embrace the change.

Allow employees to choose which days they will be in the office, offer the option to go home at lunchtime on certain days, and consider giving parents with children in school the option to leave early to pick up their kids and then finish their work day at home. 

Your teams will be grateful that you understand their need for a work-life balance. Most likely, they will show their appreciation through hard work and dedication to your company. 

EDOM Virtual Leadership Skills

EDOM Solutions focuses on delivering business consulting services that break down current and future barriers that may prevent your organization from growing and achieving its full potential. In addition, we help organizations and business leaders develop the skills necessary for building solid hybrid teams. Contact us today to set up a consultation. 


  1. https://trainingindustry.com/articles/leadership/5-ways-to-become-an-effective-hybrid-workplace-leader/ 
  2. https://adelestickland.com/leadership-skills-for-hybrid-working/ 
  3. https://www.hrqinc.com/five-leadership-skills-hybrid-work/ 

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